Personal Information Collection Statement
1. 用戶信息保護指引
User information protection policy
1.1 交通銀行股份有限公司澳門分行(「本行」),尊重客戶之私隱,而且會採取一切合理措施確保客戶之個人資料受到保護。以下本行將通過《個人資料收集聲明》(「本聲明」)向閣下說明在使用本行的應用程式產品與/或服務時如何收集、使用、保存和共用這些信息,以及本行為閣下提供的存取、更新、刪除和保護這些信息的方式。本行亦會採取一切合理措施以確保本行所收集、保留及提供之客戶個人資料為準確的。本行若察覺其記錄有任何不准確之處,將迅速採取措施以作出適當的修正。
Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Macau Branch (hereinafter “the Bank”) respects the privacy of its customers and will take all reasonable measures to protect the privacy of the personal information of customers. Through this “Personal Information Collection Statement” (hereinafter “the Statement”), the Bank shall inform you of the collection, use, retention and sharing of such information when using the Bank's application and/or services, and the ways in which the Bank will provide you with access to, update, delete and protect such information. The Bank will also take all reasonable measures to ensure that the personal information collected, retained and provided by the Bank is accurate. If the Bank becomes aware of any inaccuracies in its records, it will take prompt action to make appropriate amendments.
1.2 《個人資料收集聲明》適用於本行所有應用程式產品與/或服務,而網上銀行則適用《電子銀行客戶服務協議》以及《個人資料收集聲明》中沒有衝突的部分。
The “Personal Information Collection Statement” applies to all of the Bank's application and/or services. The “E-Banking Customer Service Agreement” and the non-conflicting parts of the “Personal Information Collection Statement” shall apply to the online banking.
1.3 當閣下開始使用本行的應用程式時,即等於同意接受下列由本行適時議定的各項條款之約束。如閣下於該等條款作出修訂後,仍同意繼續使用本應用程式,即視作閣下已接受有關條款的修訂及受其所約束。若閣下不同意下列條款,請立刻停止使用本行的應用程式。
By commencing use of the e-Banking Services, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions set by the Bank, from time to time. If you continue to use the service after these terms have been amended, you will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by the amendments to these terms. If you do not agree to the following terms and conditions, you should cease using the Bank's e-Banking Services immediately.
1.4 本行所有資訊、資料、意見及服務的對象僅限於居住於澳門特別行政區("澳門")的個人或營業地點設於澳門的公司,並不擬提供予其他司法管轄區之人士或法人使用。除非得到本行授權並且為本行的母公司(「交通銀行股份有限公司」)及其下的所屬子公司或受認可的機構的要求,否則本行將不會為任何未獲授權人士,組織或機構提供任何有關用戶的資訊。
All information, data, opinions and services are intended for use by individuals residing or having their place of business in the Macau Special Administrative Region (hereinafter "Macau") only and are not intended for use by persons or legal entities in other jurisdictions. The Bank shall not provide any user’s information to any unauthorised person, organisation or institution, unless otherwise authorised by the Bank and requested by the Bank's parent company ("Bank of Communications Co., Ltd") and its subsidiaries or authorised institutions.
1.5 客戶在使用本應用程式中產生,上傳及發起交易等的數據和個人資料,將被傳送到本行位於中國內地的伺服器以進行後續處理和數據回傳。
The data and personal information generated, uploaded and initiated by the customer in using the application will be transmitted to the Bank's server in Mainland China for subsequent processing and data return.
1.6 「本聲明」適用澳門法律,並按照其解釋,任何爭議須受澳門法院管轄。
This Statement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Macau. Any dispute shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Macau.
2. 收集個人資料的種類、目的及內容
Type, Purpose and Content of Personal Information Collected
2.1 閣下在使用本行的應用程式的過程中,應用程式會收集閣下在使用服務時主動提供或因為使用服務而產生的相應信息,用以向閣下提供服務、優化本行的服務以及保障閣下的帳號安全。
In the course of your use of the Bank’s application, it will collect corresponding information that you provided or generated while using the services, for the purpose of providing services, optimising the Bank’s services and securing your account.
2.2 當閣下使用本行的應用程式時,為保障閣下能正常使用本行的服務,維護本行服務的正常運行,改進及優化本行的服務體驗以及保障閣下的帳戶安全,本行會收集閣下的智能通訊設備的如下日誌信息:設備型號、操作系統、設備識別碼、登陸IP地址、接入網絡的方式、類型和狀態、網路質量數據、操作日誌、服務日誌信息等。
When you use the Bank’s application, the Bank will collect the following log information in your smart communication device: device model, operating system, device identifier, login IP address, network access method, type and status, network quality data, operation log, service log information, etc., in order to protect the normal use of the Bank’s services, maintain the normal operation of the Bank’s services, improve and optimize the Bank’s services experience and protect the security of your account.
2.3 當閣下使用本行應用程式服務時,為保障閣下正常使用本行的服務,維護本行服務的正常運行,改進及優化本行的服務體驗以及保障閣下的帳號安全,本行可能需要閣下授權使用閣下的如下個人許可權:
In order to protect your normal use of the Bank's Services, to maintain the normal operation of the Bank's Services, to improve and optimise the Bank's service experience and to protect the security of your account while using the Bank's application services, the Bank may require the authorisation for the use of your personal licence as follows:
l 相機:用於人臉身份認證、遠程開戶等功能。
Camera: used for face authentication, remote account opening, etc.
l 相簿:用於存儲和調取身份證件圖片等功能。
Photo album: for functions such as storing and retrieving pictures of identity documents.
l 定位:用於獲取用戶位置,自動提供相應地區服務以及網點地圖等功能
Location: for obtaining the user's location and automatically providing services in the corresponding area and a map of the site, etc.
l 生物認證:用於登錄的指紋/Face ID、遠程開戶等功能。
Biometric authentication: Fingerprint/Face ID for registration, remote account opening, etc.
Such authorisation information is sensitive information and is used to assist in the completion of specific services. You may refuse to authorise the Bank to use such information. Refusal to provide such information will only prevent you from using the corresponding authorised functions but will not affect your normal use of the other functions and services of the application.
The Bank may use your personal information without necessarily obtaining your prior authorisation in order to comply with our obligations, requirements or arrangements (whether mandatory or voluntary) in respect of or in connection with each of the following matters.
2.4 閣下同意資料當事人的資料將可能用於下列用途及向有關第三方披露或轉移(不論在澳門境內或轉移至澳門境外):
You agreed that the data of the Data Subject may be used and disclosed or transferred (whether transferred within Macao or transferred outside Macao) to relevant third parties for the following purposes:
2.4.1 處理銀行/金融服務及信貸便利的申請;
Processing applications for banking/financial services and credit facilities;
2.4.2 提供服務和信貸便利給資料當事人之日常運作;
The day-to-day operation of the provision of services and credit facilities to the Data Subject;
2.4.3 在資料當事人申請信貸時進行的信貸調查,及每年進行一次或以上的定期或特別審查;
The credit checks conducted at the time of the Data Subject's application for credit and periodic or special reviews conducted once or more per year;
2.4.4 編制及維持銀行的信貸評分模式;
The development and maintenance of the Bank's credit scoring model;
2.4.5 提供參考資料(狀況查詢);
The provision of reference information (status enquiries);
2.4.6 協助其他財務機構作信用檢查及追討債務;
Assisting other financial institutions in the credit checks and debt recovery;
2.4.7 確保資料當事人維持可靠信用;
The purpose to ensure that the Data Subject maintain reliable creditworthiness;
2.4.8 設計為資料當事人使用的財務服務或有關產品;
The design of financial services or related products for the Data Subject;
2.4.9 推廣服務、產品及其它標的(而銀行或會獲得報酬);
The marketing services, products and other subjects (for which the Bank may be remunerated).
2.4.10 確定銀行對資料當事人或資料當事人對銀行的負債款額;
Ascertain the amount of indebtedness of the Bank to the Data Subject or of the Data Subject to the Bank;
2.4.11 執行資料當事人向銀行所負的義務,包括但不限於向資料當事人及就資料當事人的義務提供抵押的人士追收欠款;
Enforce the obligations of the Data Subject to the Bank, including but not limited to the recovery of the outstanding contribution from the Data Subject and the person that is obliged to provide security to the Data Subject;
2.4.12 因銀行集團公司之間的內部監管、統計之用途;
The internal supervisory, statistical purposes between companies in the banking group;
2.4.13 履行根據下列適用於銀行或銀行集團公司被期望遵守的就披露及使用資料的義務、規定或安排:
The performance of obligations, regulations or arrangements of the Bank or Bank Group Company regarding disclosure and use of information that are applicable under the following circumstances:
2.4.14 執行不論於澳門境內或境外及不論目前或將來存在的對其具法律約束力或適用的任何法律規定,(如稅務條例及其包括有關自動交換財務帳戶數據的條文),或執行對其具約束力的法院指令;
The enforcement of any legal provisions binding on or applicable to it whether within or outside Macao and whether now or in the future (e.g. tax regulations and their provisions including those relating to the automatic exchange of financial account data), or the enforcement of court orders that are binding;
2.4.15 執行不論於澳門境內或境外及不論目前或將來存在的任何法律、監管、政府、稅務、執法或其他機關,或金融服務供貨商的自律監管或行業組織或協會,所作出或發出的任何指引或指導(如由澳門財政局所發出或提供包括有關自動交換財務帳戶數據的指引或指導);
The enforcement of any guidelines or guidance issued or given by any legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authority, whether within or outside Macau and whether now or in the future, or by self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations of financial services providers (e.g. guidelines or guidance issued or given by the Financial Services Bureau of Macau including those relating to the automatic exchange of financial account data).
2.4.16 銀行或銀行集團公司因其位於的司法管轄區、或所從事的金融、商業、業務或其他利益或活動,而向有關的本地或外地的法律、監管、政府、稅務、執法或其他機關,或金融服務供應商的自律監管或行業組織或協會履行所承擔或被彼等施加的任何目前或將來的合約或其他承諾;
The performance by the Bank or its banking group company of any present or future contractual or other commitment undertaken or imposed by it to the relevant local or foreign legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authority, or self-regulatory or industry body or association of financial service providers, in connection with the jurisdiction in which it is located or the financial, commercial, business or other interests or activities in which it is engaged;
2.4.17 遵守銀行集團為符合制裁或預防或偵測清洗黑錢、恐怖分子融資活動、逃稅或其他非法活動的任何方案就於銀行集團內共用資料及信息及/或資料及信息的任何其他使用而指定的任何義務、要求、政策、程式、措施或安排;
Complying with any obligations, requirements, policies, procedures, measures or arrangements specified by the banking group for the sharing of information and data and/or any other use of information and data within the banking group for the purpose of complying with any programme for the sanctioning or prevention or detection of money laundering, terrorist financing, tax evasion or other illegal activities;
2.4.18 使銀行或銀行集團公司的承讓人或有意承讓人評核是否進行轉讓行為,以及使銀行或銀行集團公司的參與人或附屬參與人對資料當事人的權利及/或責任進行評核是否参与或附屬參與有關交易;
The assignee or intended assignee of the Bank or the banking group company, to assess whether or not to proceed with the transfer; and enable a participant or sub-participant of the bank or bank group company towards the rights and/or obligations of the Data Subject to assess whether participate or sub-participate in the transaction.;
2.4.19 與接受銀行所發信用卡的商戶及由銀行提供聯營//私人標誌信用卡服務的實體(分別為「商戶」或「聯營實體」)交換資料;
The exchange of information with merchants who accept credit cards issued by the Bank and entities to which the Bank provides affiliated/private label credit card services ("merchants" or "affiliated entities" respectively)
2.4.20 就任何信用卡交易與商戶的收單財務機構核實資料當事人;銀行集團風險管理用途
Verifying the Data Subject with the merchant's acquiring financial institution in respect of any credit card transactions; for risk management purposes of the banking group;
For the purpose of maintaining credit or other records of the Data Subject, whether or not the Data Subject has any relationship with the Bank, for present or future reference purposes; and in connection with the foregoing.
2.4.21 在進行當事人身份證校驗或人臉識別等功能時,與政府部門(包括但不限於澳門特別行政區身份證明局)聯網數據庫內之個人資料或臉部特徵資料進行比對驗證。
When performing functions such as identity card verification or face recognition, the personal data or facial features of the Data Subject will be verified against the personal data or facial features in the network database of the government departments (including but not limited to the Identification Services Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region).
3. 信息的存儲
Storage of the Information
3.1 本行會按照澳門特別行政區政府的相關法律法規及監管規定要求妥善保存閣下的用戶信息。一般而言,本行僅為實現對客服務所必需的時間保留閣下的用戶信息,例如:手機號碼、電郵。無論閣下是否使用手機銀行服務,本行需要在註銷銀行戶口後7年內一直保存閣下的手機號碼及電郵。
The Bank will retain your information in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and regulatory requirements of the Government of Macau Special Administrative Region. In general, the Bank will only retain your user information, e.g. mobile phone number, email, for as long as is necessary for the implementation of our customer services. The Bank is required to retain your mobile phone number and email for a period of 7 years from the date of cancellation of your bank account, irrespective of whether you use the mobile banking service or not.
3.2 當本行的產品或服務發生停止運營的情形時,本行將以電郵、短訊、本行網站之公告、公告等形式通知閣下,並依據相關法律規定,在合理的期限內刪除閣下的用戶信息。
In the event that the Bank's products or services are discontinued, the Bank will notify you by email, SMS, notices on the Bank's website, announcements, etc. and will delete your user information within a reasonable timeframe in accordance with the relevant legal requirements.
3.3 如客戶選用本行的遠程開戶功能,客戶需要在過程中提供生物認證信息如人臉照片,以供澳門身份證明局方面進行辨認和查驗是否為客戶本人操作。當中所用到的人臉照片將在遠程開戶完成前進行加密保存,該人臉照片的存儲僅用於當客戶遠程開戶失敗時本行對資料的查閱。遠程開戶完成後6個月內客戶如沒有提出申訴,人臉照片將會從數據庫刪除。
If you choose to use the Bank's remote account opening function, you will be required to provide biometric information such as a face photo for identification and verification by the Identification Department of Macau. The face photo used will be encrypted and stored confidentially before the remote account opening process is completed. The face photo will only be stored for the Bank's access to the information if the remote account opening process fails. If no complaint is made within 6 months of the completion of the remote account opening, the face photo will be deleted from the database.
4. 信息的安全保護
Security of information
4.1 本行為閣下的信息安全提供保障,以防止信息的丟失、不當使用、未經授權訪問或披露。
The Bank safeguards the security of your information against loss, misuse, unauthorised access or disclosure.
4.2 閣下知悉透過網絡渠道收集及傳遞個人資料,具有在網絡上洩露個人資料之風險。
You are aware that the collection and transmission of personal information through online channels has the risk of disclosure of personal information on the internet.
4.3 本行將在合理的安全水準內使用各種安全保護措施以保障信息的安全。例如,使用加密技術、匿名化處理等手段來保護閣下的用戶信息。
The Bank will use various security measures within a reasonable level of security to protect the security of information. For example, using encryption technology, anonymization and other means to protect your user information.
4.4 本行將不斷提升技術手段以加強安裝在閣下設備端應用程式的安全性,以防止閣下的用戶信息洩露。例如,本行為了安全傳輸將對交易信息進行加密工作。
The Bank will continue to enhance the security of the applications installed on your device to prevent the disclosure of your user information. For example, the Bank will encrypt transaction information for secure transmission.
4.5 本行建立專門的管理制度、流程和組織以保障信息的安全。例如,本行嚴格限制訪問信息的人員範圍,要求他們遵守保密義務,並進行審計。
The Bank has established special management systems, processes and organisations methods to protect the security of information. For example, the Bank strictly limits the scope of persons accessing information, requires them to comply with confidentiality obligations, and conducts audits.
4.6 若發生用戶信息洩露等安全事件,本行會啟動應急預案,阻止安全事件擴大,並以電郵、短訊、本行網站、公告等形式告知閣下。
In the event of a security incident such as a breach of user information, the Bank will activate the contingency plan to prevent the security incident from expanding and inform you by email, SMS, the Bank's website, announcements etc.
5. 客戶個人信息的使用方式
Instructions of the Use of Personal Information
5.1 本行將使用閣下的相關信息,旨在遵守法律法規和監管規定,瞭解閣下的需求,建立、檢閱、維護、發展本行與閣下的關係。本行可能會收集的個人信息的範圍主要包括:閣下使用應用程式的頻率、崩潰數據、總體使用情況、性能數據以及應用程式的來源。本行不會將本行存儲在分析軟體中的信息與閣下在應用程式中提供的任何個人身份信息相結合。
The Bank will use your information in order to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, to understand your needs, and to establish, review, maintain and develop the relationship between the Bank and you. The scope of personal information the Bank may collect includes, among others, the frequency of your use of the application, crash data, aggregate usage, performance data and the source of the application. The Bank will not combine the information stored in the analytics software with any personally identifiable information that you provided in the application.
5.2 本行或對閣下的信息進行綜合統計、分析加工,以便為閣下提供更加準確、個性、流暢及便捷的服務,或幫助本行評估、改善或設計產品、服務及運營活動等。
The Bank may aggregate, analyse and process your information in order to provide you with more accurate, personalised, smooth and convenient services, or to assist the Bank in evaluating, in improving or in designing products, services and operational activities.
5.3 如本行使用閣下的用戶信息,超出了與收集時所聲稱的目的及具有直接或合理關聯的範圍,本行將在使用閣下的用戶信息前,將通過線上或短訊通知等方式再次向閣下告知並徵得閣下的明確同意。
If the Bank uses your user information beyond the purposes for which it was collected and to which it is directly or reasonably related, the Bank will inform you again and obtain your express consent by means of online or SMS notification before use of your user information.
6. 管理個人信息
Management of Personal Information
6.1 閣下可通過本行分行網點和網上銀行查詢個人信息或提交對個人信息進行更新的申請,法律法規及監管規定另有規定的除外。
Unless otherwise stipulated by laws, regulations and regulatory requirements, you may access your personal information or submit an application for updating your personal information through the Bank's branch network and online banking.
6.2 以下情形中,閣下可向本行提出刪除個人信息的要求:
l 如果閣下認為本行處理個人信息的行為違反法律法規及監管規定。
l 如果閣下認為本行收集、使用閣下的個人信息,卻未徵得閣下的同意。
l 閣下不再使用本行的產品或服務,或註銷帳戶。
You may request the Bank to delete your personal information in the following circumstances:
l If you believe that the Bank's handling of personal information is in breach of laws, regulations and regulatory requirements.
l If you believe that the Bank has collected or used your personal information without your consent.
l If you no longer use the Bank’s products or services or cancel your account.
6.3 閣下可以通過手機系統對授予應用程式調用閣下手機的相機、相簿、定位、讀取指紋/面孔登錄等許可權進行查詢,並隨時更改或撤回相應許可權。拒絕授予這些許可權會使閣下無法使用應用程式中對應的功能,但不影響閣下正常使用應用程式的其他功能。閣下還可以使用應用程式來查詢、修改各類設置。在閣下修改設置之前,本行會驗證閣下的身份。閣下登錄應用程式後,可以進行以下設置於更改:登錄管理——為閣下提供與登錄相關的設置功能,包括開通或關閉指紋/面孔方式登錄、修改登錄密碼等。
You can check the permissions granted to the application for accessing your mobile phone's camera, photo album, location, fingerprint/face-based login, etc. through the mobile system, and change or withdraw the corresponding permissions at any time. Refusal to grant these permissions will prevent you from using the corresponding functions in the application, but will not affect your normal use of the other functions of the application. You may also use the application to query and modify various settings. The Bank will verify your identity before you can change your settings. After you have logged in to the application, you can change the following settings: login Management - provides you with login-related settings, including enabling or disabling fingerprint/face-based login, changing your login password, etc.
6.4 如果閣下無法通過上述方式訪問、更新或刪除閣下的用戶信息,或閣下認為本行存在不當獲取或使用客戶信息或違反關於用戶信息的約定,閣下均可通過撥打本行客戶服務電話或直接前往本行分行網點,本行會在法律法規及監管規定允許的範圍內,積極回應閣下的要求。本行會按照條例的規定,依從及處理一切查閱資料及改正資料要求。本行可能會先驗證閣下的身份,然後再處理閣下的請求。對於那些無端重複、給他人合法權益帶來風險或者非常不切實際的請求,本行有權利會予以拒絕。
If you are unable to access, update or delete your user information through the above means, or if you believe that the Bank has improperly obtained or used your user information or breached the agreement in relation to your user information, you may do so by calling the Bank's customer service number or by visiting the Bank's branch network directly. The Bank will respond to your requests to the extent permitted by law, regulations and regulatory requirements. The Bank will comply with and process all data access and correction requests in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance. The Bank may verify your identity before processing your request. The Bank has the right to refuse requests that are unreasonably repetitive, pose a risk to the legitimate interests of others or are highly impractical.
6.5 儘管有上述約定,但根據澳門相關法律法規及監管規定等規定,在以下情形中,本行將可能無法回應閣下的請求:
Notwithstanding the above agreement, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and regulatory requirements of Macau, the Bank may not be able to respond to your request in the following circumstances:
l 與個人信息控制者履行法律法規及監管規定的義務相關的;
In connection with the fulfilment of the personal information controller's obligations under the laws, regulations and regulatory requirements;
l 與國家安全、國防安全直接相關的;
Directly related to national security or national defence;
l 與公共安全、公共衛生、重大公共利益直接相關的;
Directly related to public safety, public health or vital public interest;
l 與犯罪偵查、起訴、審判和執行判決等直接相關的;
Directly related to the investigation, prosecution, adjudication and enforcement of judgments in relation to crimes;
l 個人信息控制者有充分證據表明資料當事人存在主觀惡意或濫用權利的;
Where the personal data controller has sufficient evidence of subjective malice or abuse of rights by the Data Subject;
l 出於維護資料當事人或其他個人的生命、財產等重大合法權益但又很難得到本人同意的;
Where it is necessary to protect the significant legitimate interests of the Data Subject or other individuals, such as life, property, etc., but where it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual;
l 回應資料當事人的請求將導致資料當事人或其他個人、組織的合法權益受到嚴重損害的;
Where responding to the Data Subject's request would result in serious harm to the legitimate interests of the Data Subject or other individuals or organizations;
l 涉及商業秘密的;
Where commercial secrets are involved;
l 本行所在國家(地區)有權機關或者監管法規要求的其他情況。
In other cases required by the competent authorities of the country (region) in which the Bank is located or by regulatory laws and regulations.
7. 信息對外提供
External Availability of Information
7.1 本行不會對外公開披露所收集的個人信息,如必須公開披露時,本行會向閣下告知此次公開披露的目的、披露信息的類型及可能涉及的敏感信息,並通過短訊通知等方式徵得閣下的明確同意或授權。
The Bank will not disclose the personal information that collected to the public. If public disclosure is necessary, the Bank will inform you of the purpose of such public disclosure, the type of information to be disclosed and the sensitivity of the information that may be involved, and seek your express consent or authorisation by means of SMS notification, etc.
7.2 本行應用程式向澳門本地用戶提供金融服務,其產品和服務主要面向具有獨立金融行為能力的成人。本行不會採集不具備獨立金融行為能力的未成年人信息。
The Bank's application provides financial services to local users in Macau and its products and services are primarily intended for adults with independent financial behavioural capacity. The Bank will not collect information from minors who do not have independent financial behavioural capacity.
7.3 根據法律法規,監管政策及運營需要,本隱私政策會不定期更新。但未經閣下明確同意,本行不會削減閣下依據本隱私政策所應享有的權利。本行會通過網站、App等管道發出更新版本,並在生效前通過網站公告或以其他適當方式提醒閣下相關內容的更新。
This Privacy Policy may be updated, from time to time, in accordance with laws and regulations, regulatory policies and operational requirements. However, the Bank will not diminish your rights under this Privacy Policy without your express consent. The Bank will issue updated versions through our website, App and other channels and will alert you to updates through website announcements or other appropriate means before they become effective.
7.4 如閣下對本隱私政策或用戶信息的相關事宜有任何疑問、意見或建議,可以通過撥打本行00853 880 95559客服熱線或到本行分行網點諮詢或反映意見。
If you have any queries, comments or suggestions about this Privacy Policy or matters relating to user information, you may make enquiries or reflect your views by calling our customer service hotline at 00853 880 95559 or by visiting the Bank's branch network.
8. 責任的限制
Limitation of the Liability
8.1 除因本行嚴重疏忽或故意失責外,本行概不就以下各項負責:
Except for gross negligence or wilful misconduct on the part of the Bank, the Bank shall not be liable for:
delay or interference with the Customer's access to, or failure to use, the account or the services; or any loss, error, delay, misdirection, fraud or unauthorised alteration or interception of messages sent via the internet or any other medium, or unauthorised access to services, accounts or data; or failure to execute or error in executing the Customer's Instructions; or any error, malfunction, interruption, suspension, deficiency or failure of any software, equipment or system; or anything that could impair the functionality of the computer’s hardware or software (including any computer viruses); or any loss or damage arising from the termination of the Customer's Account or any service provided to Customer; or as otherwise permitted by law.
8.2 本行毋須就第三方、政府、市場干擾或任何超出本行可控制範圍的事件造成的任何損失對客戶和第三方負責。就本行的作為或不作為而言,只須就嚴重疏忽或欺詐行為負責。本行毋須就本行有關辦事處被禁止執行事務而向客戶交代。
The Bank shall not be liable to the Customer and third parties for any loss caused by third parties, government, market disruption or any event beyond the Bank's control. The Bank shall only be liable for gross negligence or fraud in respect of acts or omissions of the Bank. The Bank shall not be liable to the Customer in respect of any prohibited act of the Bank's office that is prohibited.
8.3 本行提供的任何資料僅作參考。除另有說明者外,該等資料並非要約。客戶知悉本行並無就任何資料或投資結果作出陳述、保證或擔保。除另有說明者外,所提供的任何價格、利率或其他報價僅作參考,並可於本行確認接受客戶的要約前毋須給予通知而更改。除另有說明者外,客戶應付的價格並不包括(而客戶將額外支付)適用的稅項、稅費、交易征費、合理費用及開支。
Any information provided by the Bank is for reference only. Unless otherwise stated, such information shall not be treated as an offer. The Customer acknowledges that the Bank makes no representations, warranties or guarantees regarding any information or investment results. Unless otherwise stated, any prices, interest rates or other quotations provided are for reference only, and may be altered without notice to the Customer before the Bank confirms acceptance of the Customer's offer. Unless otherwise stated, the price payable by the Customer shall not include (and the Customer shall additionally pay) applicable taxes, duties, levies, transaction levies, reasonable fees and expenses.
8.4 如根據任何適用法律本行須對任何損害賠償負上法律責任,其責任將只限於該有關交易的金額,或只限於客戶的直接損害金額,兩者中取較低者,而該等法律責任並不包括間接損害。無論如何,該等法律責任應排除賠償間接損害。
In the event that the Bank is liable for any damages under any applicable law, its liability shall be limited to the amount of the relevant Transaction or to the Customer's direct damages, whichever is lower, and such liability shall not include consequential damages. In any event, such liability shall exclude compensation for consequential damages.
8.5 提供個人資料或臉部特徵資料驗證功能之政府部門(包括但不限於澳門特別行政區身份證明局)不對客戶因使用本行的應用程式產品及/或服務而引起的任何損失或損害承擔法律責任。
Government departments (including but not limited to the Identification Services Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region) that provide personal data or facial features verification shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of the Bank's application and/or services.
8.6 本聲明的第8條應在適用法律所容許的範圍內施行。
Article 8 of this Statement shall be enforceable to the extent permitted by applicable law.
交通銀行股份有限公司澳門分行版權所有 滬ICP備05036189號-5
服務熱線:00853-880 95559